Episode 97: The Sandwich Lot (“The Sandlot”)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 97: The Sandwich Lot (“The Sandlot”)

Hey, everyone! Sometimes, we see a video on Facebook and it reminds us of a thing we like and then we decide we have to watch/read/etc. that thing and hey, as long as we’re both doing it, why not talk about it on the podcast?

And thus, this episode was born.

Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder Down Here?” and to Emily Kardamis (@corruptedgem) for our cover art. You can find more of Jamie’s music on his band’s YouTube channel!

You can check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/UnabashedlyObsessed and our merch store at https://www.cafepress.com/unabashedlyobsessed.

Episode 96: James and Erin Write a Movie (“The Breakfast Club 2: The Big Hunt”)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 96: James and Erin Write a Movie (“The Breakfast Club 2: The Big Hunt”)

Hey, everyone! It’s been a while since we wrote a movie. Usually, we start with a title and work forward from there. This week, we start with characters and work…well, not exactly backward, but like, sideways and diagonally and up and down and basically in every direction we possibly can until what we are left with is a title and some characters who have jobs, and also just a whole bunch of cocaine. None of this should come as any surprise at all to anyone who has ever listened to an episode of this ridiculous podcast that we do.

Our apologies to one Mr. John Hughes, without whom this episode would not have been possible, so please don’t @ him. (Partly because he’s in the Great Beyond, so there’s no chance of him seeing it, so actually, you know what, @ him, not us.)

Apologies also to the Doctor Who franchise, because we took your really good thing and added American politics, thus making it dumb.

Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder Down Here?” and to Emily Kardamis (@corruptedgem) for our cover art. You can find more of Jamie’s music on his band’s YouTube channel!

You can check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/UnabashedlyObsessed and our merch store at https://www.cafepress.com/unabashedlyobsessed.

Episode 95: Vladdy Issues (“Camp”)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 95: Vladdy Issues (“Camp”)

Hey, everyone! Last week, we watched the movie “Camp” (Amazon affiliate link), and we tried to tell you about it, but we couldn’t. Either because Bill the computer garbled the audio file, or because you weren’t listening, depending on which of us you ask. So this week, we try again. And we succeed! Yay!

Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder Down Here?” and to Emily Kardamis (@corruptedgem) for our cover art. You can find more of Jamie’s music on his band’s YouTube channel!

You can check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/UnabashedlyObsessed and our merch store at https://www.cafepress.com/unabashedlyobsessed.


Episode 94: Kill Bill (Outtakes, Volume 7)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 94: Kill Bill (Outtakes, Volume 7)

Hey, everyone! Remember that time we did a Romeo and Juliet choose-the-adventure book, and we told you that we’d read you Juliet on a future episode?

Well, guess what? It’s a future episode!

Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder Down Here?” and to Emily Kardamis (@corruptedgem) for our cover art. You can find more of Jamie’s music on his band’s YouTube channel!

You can check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/UnabashedlyObsessed and our merch store at https://www.cafepress.com/unabashedlyobsessed.

Episode 93: Ferry Thrillers (Thrillers and Treasure Hunting)

Unabashedly Obsessed Episode 93: Ferry Thrillers (Thrillers and Treasure Hunting)

Hey, everyone! Remember that time John Green wrote a book about a boy and his crush searching for a lost object throughout time? No? Well, that’s because it hasn’t been written. YET. But boy, does James wish it existed. Meanwhile, Erin is over there, just reading every book she can get her hands on about British women on public transportation, witnessing or experiencing something bad. That book has definitely been written. Like, 15 times over at least, with probably a good 12 more to come this year. And she will read it every. single. time.

Thank you to Jamie Chahine for our theme song, “Did You Guys Know There Was A Ladder Down Here?” and to Emily Kardamis (@corruptedgem) for our cover art. You can find more of Jamie’s music on his band’s YouTube channel!

You can check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/UnabashedlyObsessed and our merch store at https://www.cafepress.com/unabashedlyobsessed.